
3rd Grade

  • 1) Login to Kerpoof (also under Tech Tool Kit)
  • 2) Tutorial on how to Make a Picture

3rd Grade

Create a three frame comic strip about your Super Hero regarding “Someone says mean things online”

5th Grade - 4th Grade - 3rd Grade

Document saved in a text editor that you will need to cut &
past into a word processor to format into MLA format.


3rd - Ruiz

1) Review
Google Docs

Select your animal and start researching using the notes in Google Docs

You need to answer the following questions in your report:

What is your animal?

What range does your animal roam? Where can they be found?

What does their diet consist of?

Mention a fun or interesting fact about your animal.

What is their population?

What are their threats?

What can we do to help?
More info

3rd - Ruiz

1) Dance Mat Typing Level 3, Stage 7

I’m Finished

3rd - Ruiz

1) Work in pairs to research and make your powerpoint.

3rd Grade - Ruiz

  1. Watch Video “My Online Neighborhood” (see “More Info”)
  2. Finish Webonauts - Internet Academy
  3. Watch Video “Talent Show” (see “More Info”)
More info