Nov 2013

4th Grade

  • Begin discussion regarding articles on social media using correct hashtags

5th Grade

1) Create a three frame comic strip
Examples -
  • Someone spreads rumors about somebody else online.
  • Someone cheats on an assignment for school by copying information from a website and saying they wrote it.
  • Someone uses someone else’s password to pretend to be that person online.
  • Someone says mean things online.
  • Someone forwards a message containing private information to someone else.

2) Let me know when you are finished - I will show you how to save - then upload to your blog.

3) Finish assignments you have not completed.

4) Leave some comments on other blogs.

I’m Finished

1st Grade


imgres1) Teach Your Monster



3rd Grade

Create a three frame comic strip about your Super Hero regarding “Someone says mean things online”

2nd Grade

Finish Power points using Google Images

5th Grade

2) Read Blog Post
Knight the Defender and leave a comment

3) Create a three frame
comic strip
Examples -
  • Someone spreads rumors about somebody else online.
  • Someone cheats on an assignment for school by copying information from a website and saying they wrote it.
  • Someone uses someone else’s password to pretend to be that person online.
  • Someone says mean things online.
  • Someone forwards a message containing private information to someone else.

5th Grade

  • 1) Format into MLA Format - 5th_grade
  • 2) Read blogs and leave comment
  • 3) Introduction of Digital Citizen
  • 4) Create a Digital Superhero who use their great powers to help people act safely, responsibly, and respectfully online.
  • What kind of superpowers would my digital citizen superhero use to help others act safely, responsibly, respectfully online? What is special about the way my superhero acts and thinks?
  • What kind of special costume would my superhero wear to help him or her do the job?
  • What would my superhero’s name be? (for example, “Dynamic Digital Dave” or “The Upstander”)

  • 5) Make a blog post of about 200 words describing what your Super Hero does. How he/she helps others in the digital world. Describe his/her powers and any unique qualities.



4th Grade

  • 1) Introduction of Digital Citizen
  • 2) Create a Digital Superhero who uses tees to help people, responsibly, and respectfully online.
  • What kind of superpowers would my digital citizen superhero use to help others act safely, responsibly, respectfully online? What is special about the way my superhero acts and thinks?
  • What kind of special costume would my superhero wear to help him or her do the job?
  • What would my superhero’s name be? (for example, “Dynamic Digital Dave” or “The Upstander”)

3) Create a three frame comic strip
Examples -
  • Someone spreads rumors about somebody else online.
  • Someone cheats on an assignment for school by copying information from a website and saying they wrote it.
  • Someone uses someone else’s password to pretend to be that person online.
  • Someone says mean things online.
  • Someone forwards a message containing private information to someone else.

